mom&dad&james&nicole ( ,mom&dad grand perens of) :Prey to God :resume to : married Nicole A. Lehto with Bonne : James A. lehto with Zaney

james (,mom''s ankl mayor aviayshen)

James started to walk - november"5, in 8:35, 2009

nicole&james (in oktober 2010 seaplane rides in Coos Bay, Oregon mom and Nicole in seaairoplen, mom of anjen to seaaieoplen set from skay to wother ) ( :Prey to God for :Teeshza and : Feesher )

mom''s car bayet from sheref (treller wagon)

Yana B. Lehto American.

27 aprel 2010 Yana B. Lehto heve OATH Ceremony Citizen in America

seaplane rides in Coos Bay, Oregon USA

seaplane rides in Coos Bay, Oregon USA

seaplane rides in Coos Bay, Oregon USA

seaplane rides in Coos Bay, OregonUSA

seaplane rides in Coos Bay, Oregon USA

seaplane rides in Coos Bay, Oregon USA

under construction


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